Restored Sight, Restored Hope: A SLO Noor Clinic Patient Story

Published: August 21, 2020

This is the amazing story of SLO Noor patient, Tony*. First seen by Dr. Chowins at a SLO Noor eye clinic in February of 2019, Tony had significant issues caused by diabetes, both medically and with his eyes. The Noor medical team brilliantly worked with Tony to get him excellent care and the medications he needed to control his diabetes.

Unfortunately, Dr. Chowins discovered that Tony’s diabetes-related eye issues were quite severe. Tony had dangerous swelling in his retina and bleeding in both retinas. The prognosis for his vision was not looking good. He needed extensive and expensive ongoing treatment with a retinal specialist, but Tony is uninsured and can not afford healthcare.

Thanks to our partnerships in the local medical community, the fabulous team at California Retinal Consultants were

able to get him into a research study and all his treatments have been covered by the study. Tony sees Dr. Nathan Steinle each month for exams and receives sight saving injections. Today his vision is corrected to 20/20 in each eye with the help of some new glasses.

All of us at SLO Noor would like to thank Tammy Lauinger for helping set Tony up for the study, Dr. Steinle and everyone at California Retinal Consultants for the amazing, graceful care you provide.

*Actual patient names are protected.