About Us
FREE Healthcare for the Uninsured
In 2009, Dr. Ahmad Nooristani recognized the need to provide care to uninsured adults in SLO County. The first SLO Noor Medical Clinic opened in October 2011 as a 501(c)3 to aid this problem by providing free, high quality, non-emergent health care to those who could not otherwise afford to access care in San Luis Obispo County and northern Santa Barbara County.
Dr. Ahmad Nooristani, MD
We’re Here to Help
At the SLO Noor Foundation, we understand the obstacles and challenges the uninsured face in our community when trying to receive the non-emergent care they need. The Foundation works to mitigate the effect on our community of the growing number of uninsured adults residing in our neighborhoods, the increasing risk of poor health conditions impacted by the lack of insurance, and the prevalence of the low-income and homeless in need of medical care.
Our Mission
The SLO Noor Foundation’s mission is to provide free medical, dental, and vision care to uninsured adults in San Luis Obispo County and northern Santa Barbara County regardless of race, ethnicity, immigration status, religion, sexual orientation, or gender.
We are committed to advancing diversity and inclusion by helping ensure that all people across our communities feel valued and have equal access to resources, services, and opportunities provided by SLO Noor Foundation.
We are Committed to Bettering
Our Community by:
Providing quality preventative and episodic primary health care to the uninsured
Providing compassionate, caring clinics where volunteer medical providers can take as much time as is needed with each patient. Their interaction with patients is always relational, and never transactional
Providing our patients with access to prescription medication, either for free or at significantly discounted, negotiated rates
Making available support group literature as well as case management and social workers to assist individuals in identifying and qualifying for programs (including insurance) and other resources available in the community.
Over 10 Years of FREE Healthcare for the Central Coast